Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Louboutin Overcoming Social Issues

The Louboutin brand has managed to stay away from negative publicity throughout its lifespan. Christian Louboutin was quoted in Dana Thomas', Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster, saying, "If you do luxury, you have to treat people in a human way and you have to be elegant. You can’t ask poor people in bad conditions to make beautiful things.” For this reason, I don't think we ever have to worry about Louboutin taking part in any scandalous, unethical behavior. I'm pretty sure his workers are treated fairly and respectfully. However, if something happens and he does end up in the tabloids for something negative, I think Louboutin would handle it in a very professional manner. He would probably offer some form of public apology and make amends to all that he wronged. He would then make sure his brand focuses on positive things until the negative attention has died down.

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